
Music Intent


Music is a unique way of communication that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression and can also play an important part in helping children to feel part of a community, which they are then more likely to respect and care for. It is an incredibly inclusive subject, which provides opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, and to develop the skills to critically appreciate a wide variety of musical forms.

As the UK is becoming an increasingly multicultural society, we have a duty to provide our children with an understanding of other cultures, in which music plays a significant role, in order to promote a sense of respect, both musically and culturally, through a universal language. We encourage a whole-school approach which begins when children enter the school and consists of a combination of teacher-led instruction and provision by external music experts, who help our children develop both a comprehensive substantive and disciplinary knowledge of music. Alongside this, children are exposed to a variety of musical opportunities, additional to the curriculum. Through exposure and involvement in activities such as live theatre, workshops and events, children’s musical knowledge and skills are bolstered, whilst they develop a joy and appreciation for music and being musicians.


Ultimately, we intend our children to be able to:

  •          Develop their understanding of and appreciation for a variety of styles of music, from different times, locations and cultures.
  •          Recognise aspects and features of music and compare and contrast the different styles they come into contact with, using appropriate terminology.
  •          Become confident performers, singing and playing instruments on their own and as part of an ensemble
  •          Develop their skills to compose and improvise their own work, with an understanding of musical notation and the interrelated dimensions of music.
Music Overview
Music Development Plan