Year 2

In Key Stage 1, children continue to have access to Continous Provision where they can lead their own learning. Our classroom is organised to include different areas including: 
- blocks and small world
- construction 
- creative workshop
- writing area
- Maths area
- reading area 
This allows children to practice and apply the skills and knowledge they have been learning in a variety of contexts. They often 'blow our socks off' with their independent learning and are always so keen to share their learning with us. 
Times Tables
In Year 2, children learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Here are some useful resources to help at home!
In the spring term, PE lessons will be on Monday afternoons. We encourage children to bring their P.E kits in on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. P.E lessons take place both inside and outside (weather permitting). 
For P.E they will need: 
- a t-shirt (white / team colour)
- shorts or leggings
- plimsols or trainers 
- tracksuit for colder weather 
Our other PE slot will be taken up by outdoor ed this term. 
Our Teacher is Miss Chazot
Hello! This is my seventh year at King Street, having taught Nursery, Year 4 and Year 5, over the last few years. I am extremely excited to teach  for another year in Year 2! I am really looking forward to the year ahead and all the learning we will do together. As well as being a class teacher, I am also the school's Science and Music Lead. 
Our teaching assistant
Mrs Gamsby will be working with us as our teaching assistant this year in Year 2. 
Weekly homework is set to practise spelling and maths. This will be set on, using each child's individual login details. 
Reading Books 
Reading continues to be a key focus in school. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.  When you have, please sign their reading record and use the comments sections if you have any messages or concerns. Each child has a set day to change their books, however please send their book in daily to enable staff to read with your child.