Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
Our teacher is Miss Bell
This is my ninth year at King Street Primary, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be the best one yet!  After teaching in London for almost a decade, I moved back North to be closer to my family.  My passions are reading, history and the natural world, but I love teaching every subject; this is truly the best job in the world. I came back into Year 4 after having my little girl, Ivy, and I am also the Deputy Head.  
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Bott
This is Mrs Bott's sixth year at King Street as a TA, and she is very excited to be working with Year 4; she has already worked with lots of you, or your big brothers and sisters, when she was working in Year 5 and 6.  Mrs Bott is very creative and organised, and will be an amazing support to you all.
We are also supported in class by Miss Navin.
Home Learning
Our new homework is set on a Monday, and is due to be completed by Friday.  This is set online so make sure you have your login details (these can be found inside your child's reading record).
Reading books are to be completed at least three times a week - you can bring your book back at any other time  if you need to change it.  Regular reading has a huge impact on your current and future learning, so every minute counts!
Practice your times tables here!
Our learning
This year, we have an exciting curriculum planned. We will be learning across and throughout every curriculum subject, making links between areas of learning, thinking of our own questions to answer, reading widely, and building our vocabulary every day.  We will particularly be finding lots of opportunities to read about and discuss our different areas of enquiry.
Our new theme in Year 4 starting in the Autumn term is 'Invaders', in which we will be developing our skills in history, reading, science, investigation, imagination and many more areas!  Through this topic, we will be learning more about how different invasions - from the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings - shaped and changed Britain, and how we can still see these influences in our lives today!