What we do and why.


Role of Governors

 The Governing Body of King Street Primary School has a strong

focus on its three core strategic functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


We hold our aims close to our heart at King Street, they are important to us – and we would hope they would be important to you, if you chose to be part of our family.

We aim…

v To create a happy, caring, positive atmosphere where the children feel confident, valued and motivated to learn.

v To provide the highest possible standard of education through a broad, balanced and enjoyable curriculum appropriate to each individual.

v For the children to learn how to learn, to think for themselves, use their imaginations and develop essential skills for learning and life.

v To continually improve the quality of teaching and learning and offer approaches and resources that promote inclusion and extend valuable learning experiences.

v Offer a high quality curriculum, differentiated to meet the needs of all our pupils, demonstrating a commitment to equality of opportunity for all.

v To have good working relationships between all who work in the school and a strong partnership with the parents and the wider community.

v To create an indoor and outdoor environment that is attractive, lively, stimulating, and informative which supports the children’s learning.

v To promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally, enabling individuals to make informed choices.

v To develop an empathy with people around us, with the world in which we live and an understanding and respect of individuals, groups and nations.

v Encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions to help them become contributing citizens of a well-ordered society. To encourage a sense of right and wrong and to be self-disciplined.